Jason Bourne – Bourne Ultimatum

I have to make an admission.
When I saw the first of the Jason Bourne trilogy it was purely by chance. I didn’t know anything about it and I just picked it up in my local dvd store by chance.
I’ve since become ever so slightly addicted, so the third film was on my list of “must watch” films for 2007.
Having said that I still did not want to write a review of the film until a few days after seeing it. Why? Because I think a fair review is something that you have to let rest for a bit before you publish it. If you rush in you will miss some of the finer points that you want to highlight and talk about.
If you haven’t seen the film yet please note that there maybe some spoilers!
The first two films introduced us to a new kind of hero. Bourne wakes up suffering from amnesia to discover that he is literally a killing machine. He spends the first two films trying to get to grips with this and it is only now, in the third and final part, that he attempts to get closure.
It’s a big film. There’s no doubt about that.
The locations are spread across Europe, North Africa and the US, though if you’re expecting to see countryside you will be disappointed. Most of the action takes place in builtup areas – sorry!

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