So Which Patrick Swayze Film Was The Best?

With the passing of Patrick Swayze you can expect there to be plenty of media coverage of his life and work for the next few weeks.

So which Swayze film will you remember most?

Which was the best?

Are you too embarassed to admit which one you actually liked?

Dirty Dancing – not overly soppy, so I guess a lot of guys won’t mind admitting they liked. But what about Ghost, with Demi Moore?

Or are you a tough guy who prefers to choose Road House?

Let us know!

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One Response to So Which Patrick Swayze Film Was The Best?

  1. Juanita Nave September 20, 2009 at 11:38 am #

    My favorite Patrick Swayze movie was Dirty Dancing. His dance skills were magnificent, you could just tell that these skills were learned in life, not learned on the spur of the moment for a movie role. I will truly miss him and will probably watch Dirty Dancing as much as possible.

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