Image via Wikipedia
If, like me, you grew up on a staple of American TV shows, then The Incredible Hulk is a character you’re probably already familiar with.
The first attempt to bring the big green hero to the silver screen was, by all accounts, a disaster. Sure, there were some nice bits of CGI, but the film was totally forgettable. If you’d wasted your hard earned cash going to the cinema you’d have every right to feel ripped off.
Skip forward a few years and we see the release of a new incarnation of Hulk. This time round Edward Norton goes green, while the love interest is provided by the ever delectable Liv Tyler.
Unlike the first film this time round we don’t have to suffer through the entire radiation accident, as its told by way of newspaper headlines, so you really need to get to the cinema on time!
No hero is complete without a villain and Hulk has a few to contend with in the form of Tim Roth and William Hurt.
All in all it’s a really good Marvel hero movie.
There’s plenty of action, a bit of romance and a Hulk with some depth.
To make it all the more interesting it seems that Edward Norton wasn’t overly impressed with the final cut and isn’t doing any PR for the film.
Nothing like a whiff of scandal !
this new hulk is a lot more fun than the first one with Eric Bana; as usual Ed Norton has gravitated to a “split personality” role…
Norton is a much stronger Hulk than the last incarnation 🙂
Other Blog Writing Activity
Since I post to more than one blog it may appear at times that my activity here is pretty low key.Over on FilmReviews.ie I’ve posted a couple of reviews of films I’ve seen recently including:WantedHancockAlatristeIncredible HulkWhile over on my domain…