The Dark Knight is being released on DVD and BluRay on December 8th, according to an email from Amazon this morning. Amazon UK are offering three different editions of the Dark Knight which are available for pre-order now. There are two DVD versions and a Blu Ray release. Find out more on the Dark Knight […]
Archive | Fantasy
Twilight is due to be released at the end of November (seemingly this pushed the release date of other films back) I’ve read the novel and am currently working my way through the 3rd book in the series, so I’ll be interested to see how they carry it to the big screen. Related Posts:No Related […]

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor – Art, Photos and more
Image via Wikipedia While I may not have been overly impressed with the third installment of the Mummy that doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the visual effects and sets used. Like so many films being produced now, the production team ran a blog throughout the filming and post-production stages of the film. If you’re […]

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Image by The Sizemore McCabe Project via Flickr The Mummy franchise was quite strong until the release of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. I could attempt to come up with a more poetic way of stating this, but why bother? It’s not a very good film. Yes. It has some fantastic special effects. […]