I will be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of horrors. Gothic horrors maybe, but general horrors just don’t do it for me – sorry. However I also know that I’m in a minority (or at least it feels that way!) Judging by what I’ve been able to read about it Quarantine […]
Archive | Horror
Cloverfield Hype Continues With DVD Release
There was a lot of hype surrounding the cinema release of Cloverfield earlier this year, so the DVD release was bound to be as overhyped. Not that hype is necessarily a bad thing. The Cloverfield DVD will be released in the US on April 22nd and in the run up to the “event” there is […]

Cloverfield – Chinese Theater Hollywood
I mentioned that I’d seen Cloverfield in the Chinese Theater in Hollywood last week, but I hadn’t uploaded the photo of the statue of liberty that is currently outside the cinema. So here it is: It looks pretty impressive, doesn’t it? Related Posts:No Related Posts
Cloverfield is one of those films that I expect people to be talking about for years. Of course a lot of people who will be talking about this “film event” probably won’t have even seen it, but that’s never stopped anyone before, so why would it in the future? Since I’m currently in Hollywood, California, […]