Image by Getty Images via Daylife I have quite mixed feelings about Will Ferrell and as for John C Reilly, I’m really not sure. Both actors have played incredibly funny roles, but they’ve also been in films that were a waste of time (both the mine and the studio’s). Step Brothers, which is getting its […]

Upcoming DVD / Blu Ray Releases To Keep An Eye Open For
Image via Wikipedia This autumn should be a bumper one for owners of bluray players, as a large number of titles that were previously not available on high-def are scheduled for release. Other titles had been released on HD DVD, but not on Blu Ray. Which titles are worth mentioning? Transformers is one that springs […]

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor – Art, Photos and more
Image via Wikipedia While I may not have been overly impressed with the third installment of the Mummy that doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the visual effects and sets used. Like so many films being produced now, the production team ran a blog throughout the filming and post-production stages of the film. If you’re […]

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Image by The Sizemore McCabe Project via Flickr The Mummy franchise was quite strong until the release of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. I could attempt to come up with a more poetic way of stating this, but why bother? It’s not a very good film. Yes. It has some fantastic special effects. […]