We Bought A Zoo is a highly enjoyable film and I’d happily recommend it. Yes, it’s a bit of a “feelgood” movie, but it’s not too mawkish – or maybe I’ve got a higher resistance to soppy film storylines these days. Matt Damon stars as a widower left with two kids. Things aren’t going too […]
Archive | Reviews

Today’s Special
I hadn’t heard anything about “Today’s Special”, so I didn’t have any crazy expectations for it. Some critics might have picked holes in it, but I really enjoyed it. The film centres around an Indian chef, Samir (Aasif Mandvi), who is working as a sous-chef in a restaurant. While he might be a good chef […]
Cowboys And Aliens Great Visual Effects Pity About the Story
Cowboys and Aliens went on general release in the UK and Ireland this week. I went to see it yesterday evening and to be honest I was quite disappointed. The storyline could be quite interesting, but it just failed to deliver for me. Daniel Craig plays Jake Lonergan, who wakes up in the middle of […]
The Green Hornet
Seth Rogen’s The Green Hornet is one of the worst films I’ve seen this year. Yes there are a few amusing bits, but most of the gags simply aren’t funny. And I’m not even sure if The Green Hornet is meant to be a comedy. What the film does have, however, is […]